So be prepared for photo overload!! This last
three and a half month have really flown by!
Thomas has been such a delightful addition to
our family!! He's a very chunky (99th percentile)
sweet, happy baby!! Wesley and Karissa LOVE
their baby brother! (sometimes a little too much)
Aaron's been super busy with work and school!
Wesley's still loving Kindergarten! Ryssa is a
sweet princess who's starting to get a bit of
attitude!! All in all I love my children! I'm
grateful for a husband who supports us so that
I can stay home!
He looked like a little old man with his balding
hair in the front! hehe! so cute!

Christmas Time!

Thomas's first haircut!!

I've been having fun taking pics of my kiddos
with an app on my phone!!

Ryssa loves her baby brother!
Ryssa with her Uncle Kaleb! She kept putting
her arm "around" him!

I love this pic!

Thomas 3 1/2 months old!! He's growing up
way too fast!!